According to this policy the term "cookies" applies to: Cookies, small text files that our site sends to your device (usually your browser), on which they are stored. They help us improve your experience when using our website by recognizing you (i.e. your browser) when you visit our website and remembering your preferences (so you don’t have to keep re-entering your choices each time you visit us) when you visit again and measuring how you use our site. Pixel tag (or just "pixel"), a small piece of code that can be embedded on the website and emails to unobtrusively (usually invisibly) allow checking that a user has accessed some content. Such information let us promote our services, through our advertising service provider. For example, when you visit one of our pages, you may later see one of our advertisements. Web storage, which are used in our webapp, similarly to persistent cookies and session cookies but with a greatly enhanced capacity for storing client-side data.However, none of the cookies we use on our site can identify you personally. If you want to know more about cookies and how to manage them, visit
Depending on the characteristics and use of cookies we can classify different categories:
It is up to you to decide whether or not to accept or decline the use of cookies using the dedicated tools provided by your browser software. You can discover more about how to manage your cookie settings options visiting the help section for the browser you use.
Here are a selection of the most popular one:
On our website, in addition to the necessary technical cookies as previously explained above, you may also receive cookies from different sites or web servers ("third party" cookies) on your device, since this website may contain elements such as, for example, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the page is located, therefore, may be sent to your browser by third party companies directly from their websites.In such cases we are not involved in the operation of such cookies, the sending of which is the responsibility of such third party companies.
You are free to choose to block all cookies indifferently, however this choice may compromise or prevent the functionality of our website altogether.
If you have any further questions about this Cookie Policy please contact us at