Automate scripting processes, stay compliant and migrate large amounts of data with ease. Just change your endpoint and connect rclone/AWS CLI to Cubbit — that’s it.
In managerial accounting, many processes can waste your valuable time: from billing checks to cross-referencing large amounts of data via hashing. To streamline these tasks, Cubbit lets you take advantage of the versatility of rclone or AWS CLI. You can perform complex, repeatable tasks and move large amounts of data cloud-to-cloud with one line of code. Plus, you can avoid accidental deletions by locking these scripts with S3 Object Locking.
To bid for and win big customers, you need to ensure an exit strategy: clients should be able to take all their data out of the cloud whenever needed. Rclone or AWS CLI, integrated with Cubbit (that’s GDPR, ISO, and AGID-compliant), allows you to move all data from one cloud to another with just one line of code.
Avoid fines by proving you've done everything you can regarding durability and compliance in case of a data leak of your and your customer's data. Synchronize your cloud with Cubbit via rclone or AWS CLI, ensuring the industry standard in terms of durability (99.999999999%) and availability (99.95%) on the services you use.