75% of companies will be victims of ransomware by 2025

Ebook Guide to ransomware protection

Working with the IT managers of Bologna Airport, Amadori and 200+ European companies, it has emerged that one of the most critical issues is ransomware.

Given the growing interest in the topic, we have compiled a free report for CIOs, IT managers and professionals.

Inside you will find:

— Ransomware: facts, myths and stats [pg. 6-10]
7 main attack vectors and spread across the network [pg. 11-22]
— Disaster recovery and prevention best practices [pg. 23-33]
Ransomware incident plan: what to do before, during and after an attack [pg. 34-36]
— FAQ and much more!

Ultimate anti-ransomware guide 2024
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"How to upgrade your ransomware backup strategy"

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 874313Contact us at hello@cubbit.io